Kamis, 04 September 2014

Suku Korowai di Papua & 4 Suku yang Wajib Turis Temui di Dunia

1. Korowai, Indonesia
Suku Korowai mendiami wilayah Kaibar di Kabupaten Mappi, Papua. Mereka tinggal di dalam hutan, alam liar Papua yang penuh hewan buas. Oleh karena itulah, rumah mereka dibuat di pohon setinggi 15-30 meter!

Untuk membuat rumah super tinggi itu, Suku Korowai mengambil kayu, rotan, akar, dan rating pohon dari rawa dan hutan di sekitar mereka. Suku Korowai hanya turun dari rumah untuk mencari makanan seperti buah dan daging.

Namun, bukan berarti banyak pohon yang ditebang untuk membuat rumah ini. Suku Korowai punya kedekatan tersendiri dengan lingkungan, tak heran mereka sangat menjaga alam sekitar.
2. Piraha, Brasil
Suku Piraha yang mendiami bantaran Sungai Maici di Amazon, Brasil, punya keunikan dalam hal bahasa. Alih-alih menggunakan kata-kata, Suku Piraha menggunakan siulan sebagai tanda berburu makanan.

Mereka membentuk sebuah kelompok tanpa adanya hierarki. Berbeda dengan suku-suku lainnya, Piraha juga tak punya pemimpin kelompok.
3. San, Namibia
Masih inget film komedi 'The Gods Must Be Crazy?' Jika ya, Anda pasti familiar dengan Suku San alias African Bushmen. Suku pemburu ini tinggal di Gurun Kalahari, serta beberapa wilayah di Namibia dan Bostwana.

San disebut-sebut merupakan suku asli tertua di Afrika, konon sudah membentuk komunitas sejak 100 ribu tahun yang lalu. Mereka terbagi menjadi beberapa grup, masing-masing beranggotakan 25 orang, yang bertemu satu sama lain dalam rangka pernikahan atau pertemuan sosial.
4. Hamar, Ethiophia
Suku Hamar di Ethiophia tersohor akan tradisi lompat sapi dan para wanitanya yang tangguh. Mereka adalah komunitas semi-nomadik, hidup dengan menggembala kambing dan hewan ternak.

Ada tradisi unik sekaligus menyakitkan sebelum suku ini melangsungkan pernikahan. Pria yang akan menikah meloncati sapi sebanyak 4 kali. Bila berhasil, pria Hamar boleh menikahi perempuan yang ia sukai.

Cara lain, saudara perempuan calon mempelai pria dengan sukarela dicambuk oleh Maza (sekelompok orang yang telah melewati inisasi tersebut). Tak sedikit wanita yang melakukan hal ini, dan mereka bangga memperlihatkan luka-luka tersebut.
. Surma, Ethiophia
Masih di Ethiophia, salah satu suku unik yang wajib Anda lihat adalah Surma. Mereka terkenal karena tradisi logam bundar yang disematkan pada bagian bawah bibir.

Meski sudah terpengaruh budaya barat, Suku Surma masih menjaga dan mempraktekkan tradisi ini sampai sekarang. Kini, ada sekitar 100 orang Suku Surma yang hidup dengan berburu dan beternak.

Senin, 01 September 2014

september ceria whit libra

The period of contraction for Libras is lighted up this month by several energies that transits the area... a sensation of clarity, joy and even playfulness awakens this period, even if the need toward maturity and self discipline remains. 


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 - TELINGA UNTUK KAMU"Bisa saya melihat bayi saya?" pinta seorang ibu yang baru melahirkan penuh kebahagiaan. Ketika gendongan itu berpindah ke tangannya dan ia membuka selimut yang membungkus wajah bayi lelaki yang mungil itu, ibu itu menahan nafasnya. Dokter yang menungguinya segera berbalik memandang kearah luar jendela rumah sakit. Bayi itu dilahirkan tanpa kedua belah telinga. Waktu membuktikan bahwa pendengaran bayi yang kini telah tumbuh menjadi seorang anak itu bekerja dengan sempurna. Hanya penampilannya saja yang tampak aneh dan buruk. Suatu hari anak lelaki itu bergegas pulang ke rumah dan membenamkan wajahnya di pelukan sang ibu yang menangis. Ia tahu hidup anak lelakinya penuh dengan kekecewaan dan tragedi. Anak lelaki itu terisak-isak sambil berkata, "Seorang anak laki-laki besar mengejekku. Katanya, aku ini makhluk aneh." Anak lelaki itu tumbuh dewasa. Ia cukup tampan dengan cacatnya. Iapun disukai teman-teman sekolahnya. Ia juga mengembangkan bakatnya di bidang musik dan menulis. Ia ingin sekali menjadi ketua kelas. Ibunya mengingatkan,"Bukankah nantinya kau akan bergaul dengan remaja-remaja lain?" Namun dalam hati ibu merasa kasihan dengannya. Suatu hari ayah anak lelaki itu bertemu dengan seorang dokter yang bisa mencangkokkan telinga untuknya. "Saya percaya saya bisa memindahkan sepasang telinga untuknya. Tetapi harus ada seseorang yang bersedia mendonorkan telinganya," kata dokter. Kemudian, orangtua anak lelaki itu mulai mencari siapa yang mau mengorbankan telinga dan mend....
... baca selengkapnya di Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Yogyakarta city

Kota Yogyakarta
Jawa Nuvola single chevron right.svg Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Gedung Bank Indonesia di Yogyakarta
Gedung Bank Indonesia di Yogyakarta
Lambang Kota Yogyakarta
Semboyan: Mangayu Hyuning Bawana
Cita-cita untuk menyempurnakan masyarakat
Slogan: Berhati Nyaman (Bersih, Sehat, Asri dan Nyaman)(umum)
Never Ending Asia (pariwisata)
Lokasi Kota Yogyakarta di Pulau Jawa
Lokasi Kota Yogyakarta di Pulau Jawa
Kota Yogyakarta is located in Indonesia
Kota Yogyakarta
Lokasi Kota Yogyakarta di Pulau Jawa
Koordinat: 7°48′5″LU 110°21′52″BT
Negara Indonesia
Hari jadi7 Oktober 1756
 • Wali kotaDrs. H. Haryadi Suyuti
Populasi (2011)[1]
 • Total430.735 jiwa
Zona waktuWIB (UTC+7)
Kode telepon+62 274
Flora resmiKelapa gading
(Cocos nuciferal vv. gading)
Fauna resmiBurung tekukur
(Streptoplia chinensis tigrina)
Situs webwww.jogjakota.go.id

Yogyakarta city
ꦪꦺꦴꦒꦾ ꦏꦂꦠ
Nuvola single chevron right.svg Java Yogyakarta
Bank Indonesia building in Yogyakarta
Bank Indonesia building in Yogyakarta
Symbol of the city of Yogyakarta
Motto: Mangayu Hyuning Bawana
ꦩꦔꦪꦸ ꦲꦾꦸꦤꦶꦁ ꦧꦮꦤ
Ideals of the community to enhance
Slogan: Be Comfortable (Clean, Healthy, and Comfortable Asri) (common)
Never Ending Asia (tourism)
Location City of Yogyakarta in Java
Location City of Yogyakarta in Java
Yogyakarta city is located in Indonesia

Yogyakarta city
Location City of Yogyakarta in Java
Coordinates: 7 ° 48'5 "N 110 ° 21'52" E
Indonesian state
Anniversary October 7, 1756
  • Mayor Drs. H. Haryadi Suyuti
Population (2011) [1]
  • Total 430 735 souls
All times are BST (UTC +7)
+62 274 telephone code
Sub-District 14
Official flora Kelapa Gading
(Cocos nuciferal vv. Ivory)
Official cuckoo bird fauna
(Streptoplia Tigrina chinensis)
Website www.jogjakota.go.id

Yogyakarta name drawn from two words, namely Ayogya or '' 'Ayodhya' '' which means "peace" (or without war, a "no", refers yogya Yodya or yudha, which means "war"), and the Karta, which means "good". Ayodhya is a historic town in India where the epic Ramayana happened. Tread the palace of Yogyakarta itself according to the Chronicle (Chronicle Giyanti example) and leluri (oral history) has the form of a palace called Dalem Gerjiwati; then renamed by Sunan Pakubuwana II as tradional Ayogya [2].

Hindu Mataram (10th century AD) [edit | edit source]
Although missing from the historical record since the transfer of the seat of government Medang Kingdom in the 10th century to the east, in the southern region of the valley of Mount Merapi since the 15th century and still inhabited by a lot of people said to be part of a region known as Pengging. In chronicles his journey, Bujangga Manik, a prince of the Kingdom of Sunda hermit never passes through this region, but does not mention the name "Yogya" or alike.

Islamic Mataram (1575 - 1620)
Forerunner of the city of Yogyakarta is the area of ​​Kota Gede, now one of the districts in the city of Yogyakarta. The first ruler of the Islamic Mataram palace, Panembahan Senapati (Sutawijaya), established in a scene of which is part of the forest Mentaok (base Mentaok). The oldest palace complex still remaining as part of a stone fort, cemeteries, and mosques. Having had moved two times (in the palace and the palace Pleret Kerta, both located in the district of Bantul), the seat of government of the Sultanate of Mataram switch to Kartasura.

After Giyanti Agreement (1745 - 1945)
The city's history entered a new phase following the signing of the Agreement between the Sunan Pakubuwono Giyanti III, Prince Mangkubumi (which crowned the Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, and VOC on February 13, 1755 This treaty divided into two Mataram Mataram East (called Surakarta) and Mataram West (which later called Ngayogyakarta)

Yogyakarta as the new political administration center was officially established since Prince Mangkubumi (Sultan Hamengkubuwono I) ended the revolt he led, got half of the Mataram territory remaining, and allowed to set up the palace in a place known now. This palace graduation date, October 7, 1756, is now used as the anniversary of the city of Yogyakarta.

Expansion of the city of Yogyakarta running quickly. Township-village outside the walls of the palace named after the unity of the palace forces, such as Patangpuluhan, Bugisan, Mantrijeron, and so on. In addition, the region is also built for the non-indigenous backgrounds, such as the Dutch and Kotabaru to Chinatown for the Chinese. This grouping pattern is common in the 19th century until the 20th century, before the end of the occupation. Many of them now become the name of the city districts in the region.

There are old sites are in ruins, especially those established in the early days but then abandoned because of damaged by the massive earthquake that struck in 1812, as Warungboto tetirahan site, which was founded by Sultan Hamengkubuwana II and the site Taman Sari in the walls of the palace were established Sultan Hamengkubuwana I. Beringharjo been known as a place of trade transactions since the palace stands, but a new permanent building was founded in the early 20th century (1925).

The second half of the 19th century is the modernization of the city. The first station was built and finished Lempuyangan 1872 Yogyakarta Station (Tugu) began operations on May 2, 1887 in Yogyakarta in the early 20th century is a city that is quite advanced, with the power grid, roads for horse-drawn carriages and cars long enough, as well as various hotels as well as the shopping center (Malioboro Street and Beringharjo) has been available. Local football associations, PSIM, established on 5 September 1929 with the name of the United Football Sports Mataram.

Revolution period (1945 - 1950)
Yogyakarta city also plays politics Indonesian history, on January 4, 1946, the Indonesian government decided to move the capital city of Jakarta to Yogyakarta after the Dutch with the Allies launched an offensive to Indonesia. The city also bears witness to the Dutch Military Aggression II on December 19, 1948, which in turn can be occupied by the Dutch, and the General Offensive March 1, 1949 were successfully mneguasai Yogyakarta for 6 hours.

Heritage and Regional Identity
Spear Kyai Wijoyo Mukti
Giving a king Heritage Kraton Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. This spear was made in 1921 during the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII. Weapons are often used these soldiers have a length of 3 meters. Spear with prestige wos wutah wengkon with dhapur kudhuping this gambier, landeannya 2.5 meter wooden walikun, the type of wood that is commonly used for the shaft and has been tested and keliatannya violence.

Previous spear is stored in the ward before Pracimosono and submitted in advance dijamasi by KRT. Hastono Negoro, in the palace Yudonegaran. Mukti Wijoyo new naming done bebarapa days before the handover ceremony to the city of Yogyakarta, on the anniversary of the 53rd Government of Yogyakarta city on June 7, 2000 ceremony was conducted in the City Hall courtyard and heritage of this special escorted by soldiers Kraton "Soldiers bregodo Mantrijero" .

Kyai spear symbolizes Wijoyo Mukti Wijoyo Wijayanti conditions. That is, a true victory in the future, where all people can feel the emotional and physical pleasure because the achievement level of welfare that is really uneven.


Phone important city of Yogyakarta (click image to enlarge)
Yogyakarta city is located in the valleys of three rivers, the River Winongo, Code River (which divides the city into two and culture), and the Gajah Wong River. It is situated at a distance of 600 KM from Jakarta, 116 KM from Hyderabad, and 65 KM from Surakarta, the crossing point of Bandung - Semarang - Surabaya - Pacitan. The city has an altitude of about 112 m above sea level.

Although located in a valley, the city is rarely experienced flooding due to drainage system neat built by the colonial government, coupled with the addition of water channels jealous undertaken by the municipal government of Yogyakarta.

limit Administration
Yogyakarta city has been integrated with a number of surrounding areas, so that the administrative boundaries have not so prominent. To maintain sustainable development of this region, formed a joint secretariat Kartamantul (Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul) which deals with all matters relating to the agglomeration of Yogyakarta region and buffer areas (Depok, Mlati, Limestone, Pity, Sewon, and Banguntapan).

As for the administrative boundaries of Yogyakarta are:

North: District of Mlati and Depok subdistrict, Sleman Regency
East: District of Depok, Sleman regency and Banguntapan subdistrict, Bantul
South: District of Banguntapan, District of Sewon, and Kasihan Bantul
West: District of Limestone, Kasihan Sleman Regency and Bantul
Subdivisions [edit | edit source]
Yogyakarta city consists of 14 districts [3]. Here is a list of districts in Yogyakarta:

Kota Gede
The population of the city of Yogyakarta, based on the 2010 Population Census [4]., Amounted to 388 088 people, with the proportion of men and women were almost equal.

Islam is the majority religion professed people of Yogyakarta, the number of Christians and Catholics are relatively significant. Like most of Islam mostly in the inland cities of Java, the majority still maintain a fairly strong Javanese tradition.

Yogyakarta is also the birthplace of one of Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah, founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan in 1912 in Kauman, Ngupasan, Gondomanan, Yogyakarta. Until now, the Central Board of Muhammadiyah remains headquartered in Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta is known as a city of students, because nearly 20% of the population is a productive student and there are 137 colleges. The city is colored dynamics and students who come from various regions in Indonesia. The college is owned by the government of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia Art Institute of Yogyakarta, Islamic State University Sunan Kalidjaga and Indonesian Art Institute in Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta city is very strategic, because it is located on the main lines, namely the Southern Cross Road that connects Yogyakarta, Bandung, Surakarta, Surabaya, and in the southern cities of Java, and Yogyakarta lines - Semarang, which connects Yogyakarta, Magelang, Semarang, and towns across central Java. Therefore, transport in Yogyakarta sufficient to facilitate mobility between these towns. The city is easily accessible by land and air transport, whereas because the location is quite far from the sea (27-30 KM) led to the lack of water transportation in the city.

in the city
The city bus
Yogyakarta city is one of the cities in Indonesia are not familiar with the term transportation (public transportation with a fleet of minibuses). Ground transportation in Yogyakarta is served by a number of city buses. Yogyakarta city has several bus lines operated by cooperatives, respectively (among others Aspada, Kobutri, Kopata, Sleman Youth Cooperative, and Puskopkar) that serve specific routes [5]:

Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
lane 6
Line 7
lane 8
Line 9
Line 10
Strip 11
Line 12
Strip 15
Strip 16
Strip 17
Strip 19
Trans Jogja
Since March 2008, a new bus transport system, called Trans Jogja serve as mass transportation present a fast, secure and convenient. Trans Jogja is a 3/4 buses that serve various areas in the City, Sleman and Bantul part. Until today (November 2010), there are 8 (eight) trajectory which serve a variety of vital facilities in Yogyakarta, namely [6]:

Route 1A and Route 1B, serve sections of protocols and economic and governmental center of the region, such as the Station Yogyakarta, Malioboro, Yogyakarta Presidential Palace.
Route 2A and Route 2B, serve an office area and Sukonandi Kotabaru.
Route Route 3A and 3B, serving the southern region, including the area of ​​Kota Gede history.
Route 4A and 4B Route, serving the area of education, such as UII, APMD, UIN Sunan Kalidjaga, and Lempuyangan.
Trans Jogja is in great demand in addition to being safe and comfortable, which is currently applied rates are also affordable, which Rp3,000, - for a one-way, with two ticket system: all roads and subscribe. For subscription ticket, subject to a discount of 10% for general and 30% for students.

Taxis are easily found on various roads in Yogyakarta, especially in the segment of the protocol and the economic center and tourist area. There are various taxi companies that serve transportation, from sedans to minibuses form.

Out of town
Transportation to Yogyakarta by train from Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya or Malang, departure and arrival of trains (KA) and business executive class serviced Yogyakarta station, also known as Monument Station while the economy class train served in Lempuyangan. There is also a fast commuter train that connects with Surakarta Kutoarjo Lempuyangan past the station, the train named Prameks.

AKAP buses available to and from all cities in Java, arriving and departing from Terminal Passenger Yogyakarta, located in Imogiri Road East, Giwangan, located at the edge of the Outer Ring Road South of Yogyakarta, on the boundary between the city of Yogyakarta with other Bantul.Terminal District smaller serving as Terminal Jombor including Magelang and Semarang route and Terminal Chess Leaning toward Ground.

Air transportation from and to Yogyakarta International Airport is served by Adisutjipto located on the edge of the Road Adisucipto KM 9, Maguwoharjo village, subdistrict, Depok, Sleman regency. The airport serves domestic aviators to big cities in Java (Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya), Sumatra (Batam), Bali, Kalimantan (Pontianak, Banjarmasin, and Balikpapan), and Sulawesi (Makassar).

In addition, the airport also serves daily flights to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur with Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines.

elementary school
Elementary School Serayu
Elementary School Jetis
Elementary School Demangan
SD Muhammadiyah Kauman
SD Muhammadiyah Sagan
SD Christian Holy Kalam
Junior high school
SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta
SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
SMP Negeri 3 Yogyakarta
SMP 4 Yogyakarta
SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta
SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta
SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta
SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta
SMP BOPKRI 1 Yogyakarta
High school
SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta
SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta
SMAN 3 Yogyakarta
SMA 4 Yogyakarta
SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta
SMA 6 Yogyakarta
SMAN 7 Yogyakarta
SMA Negeri 8 Yogyakarta
SMA Negeri Yogyakarta 9
SMA Negeri 10 Yogyakarta
SMA Negeri 11 Yogyakarta
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta
SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta
SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta
Media [edit
terrestrial television
Yogyakarta city has 17 pieces of television stations (broadcast 12 national and 5 local broadcasts) such as:

Strong channel frequency signal Owner Network Name Company Name Country Status
22 512 250 MHz UHF National TVRI TVRI Televisi Republik Indonesia LPP Indonesian government Indonesian National
TVRI Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Local Government
24 530 250-MHz Trans TV Trans Media Television Transformation Indonesia PT Trans National Corp.
26 542 250-MHz MNCTV MNC PT Cipta Televisi Pendidikan Indonesia MNC
554,250 28-MHz Indosiar, PT Indosiar Visual Mandiri SCM EMTEK
30 566 250-MHz quiz Horizons PT Andalas Televisi VIVA VIVA
32 578 250-MHz MNC RCTI Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia MNC
34 590 250-MHz SCTV SCM PT Surya Citra Televisi Emtek
35 583 250-MHz CNN Indonesia / Yogyakarta CNN TV Patrol PT Rekso Binaarma Makakabayan ABS-CBN News Channel
36 602 250-MHz Global TV Global MNC PT MNC Quality Information
38 614 250-MHz AFP VIVA VIVA PT Lativi Media Works
40 626 250-MHz RBTV PT Jogja TV Compass Mutual bars Kompas Gramedia Local Media
42 638 250-MHz Metro Media Group PT Media Televisi Indonesia National Media Group
44 655 250-MHz ADiTV City TV PT Direction World Television Mahaka Local Media
46 662 250-MHz Trans7 Trans PT Duta Visual Media Nusantara Tivi Seven Trans National Corp.
48 674 250-MHz Jogja Bali TV TV / Network PT Indonesia Yogyakarta Tugu Bali Post Media Group Television Local
50 703 250-MHz TATV PT Solo TATV Eternal Light Television TA Group
56 751 250-MHz RTV Jogjakarta [7] PT Rajawali Corpora PT Metropolitan Metropolitan Televisindo National Televisindo
60 783 250-MHz TV Gogomall Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Municipality Gogomall TV PT Media Televisi Gogomall National & Local Media
Subscription television [edit | edit source]
Yogyakarta city also has several television subscription as:

Aora TV
Astro Nusantara (Non-Operating)
Big TV
Centrin TV (Non-Operating)
Groovia TV / USeeTV
Indovision / Top TV
OrangeTV / Skynindo
Telkomvision / YesTV
Topas TV
Viva +
Newspaper [edit | edit source]
Yogyakarta city has published 11 papers, among others:

Company Name Type Language Network
Newspaper National Newspaper SINDO Yogyakarta Edition SINDO SINDOMedia
(via MNC)
Sounds Update Edition BeritaSatu Yogyakarta Voice Media Holdings Update
Yogyakarta Republika Republika Mahaka Media Edition
Compass Compass Compass Scholastic Edition Yogyakarta
Indonesian Business Edition Business Yogyakarta Indonesia Jurnalindo Script Graphic
Indonesian Media Media Edition Yogyakarta Indonesia Media Group
Local Joglosemar Sritex Digest
Radar Jogja Java Post Group Jawa Pos
Sovereignty of the People Yogyakarta People's Sovereignty Sovereignty of the People
Kompas Kompas Gramedia Jogja Tribune
Daily Business Jogja Indonesia Jurnalindo Script Graphic
Radio [edit | edit source]
Yogyakarta city also has 34 radio stations broadcast local fruits such as:

Frequency Signal station name
774-KHz AM Radio Voice RRI Yogyakarta
1062-KHz Radio Radio Bandido Erbe
Programma-1107 KHz Radio 4 RRI
1152-KHz Radio Voice Palace Palace Medoa
1188-KHz Radio Voice Yogyakarta Child Education
1251-KHz Radio Voice of Yogyakarta Education Education
87.7-MHz FM carbolic UCB Radio Network
87.9-MHz Radio Radio Dangdut Indonesia Arma Eleven
88.7-MHz I-​​I-Radio Radio Yogyakarta
91.1-MHz Radio Programma 1 RRI
91.5-MHz Radio Best CPP RadioNet
91.6-MHz Radio Voice Culture Yogya
91.7-MHz Radio Broadcasting Amega Amega
Prima Radio 91.9-MHz PBS
92.4-MHz Radio Business Yogyakarta / Solo Radio Pas (Business Radio Jakarta)
92.7-MHz Radio Voice Mataram Buana MBS
93.5-MHz Radio Yasalma Argo Sosro
94.6-MHz Radio City Silver ZOE Broadcasting Network
95.4-MHz Radio Yasika CPP RadioNet
95.8-MHz Radio Radio Geronimo Geronimo Yogyakarta
96.2-MHz Radio Radio Ista Alagad
97.0-MHz Radio Radio Yogyakarta SINDO Trijaya SINDO Trijaya
97.4-MHz Radio Radio Sonora Sonora Yogyakarta
97.8-MHz FM Radio palace StarFamily
99.4-MHz radio Retjo RB Media Tank
100.5-MHz Radio Impact FM Impact Super Radio
101.3-MHz Radio Star Daily Yogyakarta Yogyakarta
102.1-MHz Radio Radio Geronimo Eltira
102.5-MHz Radio Programma 2 RRI
102.9-MHz Radio Programma 3 RRI
103.7-MHz Radio Radio Delta Delta
104.5-MHz Radio Network Unisi Unisi
106.1-MHz Radio Geronimo ZOE Broadcasting Network
107.2-MHz Radio Voice Indrakila?
Mayor of Yogyakarta

The following is a list of local mayor or chief who has served in the city of Yogyakarta since 1947:

No Mayor Served
1 M. Enoch May 1947 - July 1947
2 Mr. Soedarisman Poerwokoesoemo July 1947 - January 1966
3 Soedjono A. Y. January 1966 - November 1975
H. Ahmad 4 November 1975 - May 1981
5 Soegiarto 1981-1986
6 Djatmiko D 1986-1991
7 R. Widagdo 1991-2001
8 Herry Zudianto 2001-2011
9 Drs. H. Haryadi Suyuti 2011-present

twin city
Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Commewijne District, Suriname
Baalbek, Lebanon
Hue, Vietnam
Hefei, People's Republic of China
Kyoto, Japan

Denpasar city

Kota Denpasar
Bali Nuvola single chevron right.svg Bali
Dari kiri atas, searah jarum jam: Monumen Puputan, Monumen Bajra Sandhi, Pantai Sanur, Pura Jagatnatha
Dari kiri atas, searah jarum jam: Monumen Puputan,Monumen Bajra SandhiPantai SanurPura Jagatnatha
Lambang Kota Denpasar
Kota Denpasar is located in Indonesia Bali
Kota Denpasar
Lokasi Denpasar di Bali
Kota Denpasar is located in Indonesia
Kota Denpasar
Lokasi Denpasar di Indonesia
Koordinat: 8°39′LU 115°13′BT
Negara Indonesia
 • WalikotaI.B. Rai Dharmawijawa Mantra, SE, MSi
Populasi (2010)[1]
 • Total788.445 jiwa
Zona waktuWITA (UTC+8)
Kode telepon+62 361
Situs webwww.denpasarkota.go.id

Denpasar City is a city on the island of Bali and also the capital of the province of Bali, Indonesia. 

The growth of the tourism industry in Bali Denpasar pushed into the center of business activity, and put this city as having a per capita income and high growth in Bali Province. [2] The Government will prepare three cities: Medan, Denpasar, and Makassar as a metropolitan city The new. Spatial three towns included in the National Spatial Plan (Presidential Decree 45/2011)


Denpasar (1949) 
Denpasar name can mean new markets, before the area was part of the Badung kingdom, a kingdom that once stood since the 19th century, before the kingdom ditundukan by the Netherlands on September 20, 1906, in an event known as the heroic Puputan Badung War. [5] 

After Indonesia's independence, based on Law Number 69 Year 1958, Denpasar became the capital of the Badung regency government, then based on the Ministry of the Interior No. Des.52 / 2 / 36-136 dated June 23, 1960, Denpasar is also designated as the capital for Bali Province which was originally located in Singaraja. 

Then based on Government Regulation No. 20 of 1978, Denpasar officially became '' the City of Denpasar '', and in line with the capabilities and potential of the region in implementing regional autonomy, on January 15, 1992, pursuant to the Law No. 1 of 1992, and the city of Denpasar upgraded to '' municipality ', which was inaugurated by the Minister of the Interior on February 27, 1992. 

Denpasar City is at an altitude of 0-75 meters above sea level, located at position 8 ° 35'31 "to 8 ° 44'49" south latitude and 115 ° 00'23 "to 115 ° 16'27" east longitude. While an area of ​​127.78 km ² Denpasar or 2.18% of the total area of Bali Province. Of the use of land, 2,768 ha is paddy land, 10,001 hectares of dry land and the rest is an area of ​​9 hectares is land other. The level of rainfall average of 244 mm per month, with a fairly high rainfall occurred in December. While the average temperature of about 29.8 ° C with the lowest average of about 24.3 ° C. 

Climate data Denpasar 
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 
Average high ° C (° F) 33.0 33.4 33.6 34.4 33.1 31.4 30.4 29.6 31.4 33.6 32.7 33.0 - 
Average low ° C (° F) 24.1 24.2 24.0 24.8 24.1 23.5 23.0 22.5 22.9 23.7 23.5 23.5 - 
Precipitation mm (inches) 345 274 234 88 93 53 55 25 47 63,179,276 - 
Source: World Meteorological Organization [7] 
Badung River is one river that divides the city of Denpasar, this river empties into the Gulf of Benoa. [8] 

Denpasar population growth rate per year in the 2000-2010 time span is 4%, with the ratio of the population of men 4:57% more than the amount of the female population. [9] 

Approximately 68.4% of the population were Hindus, while Islam is the largest minority religion other than Christianity, Buddhism and Confucianism. [10] 

Year 1990 2000 2003 2010 
Total population 320,597 532,440 585,150 788,445 
Demographic history of the city of Denpasar 

In relation to the city as a tourist, then Denpasar is also supported by several areas like Kuta and Ubud. This area is often referred to as Sarbagita or Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 45 in 2011 [12]. Here are some of the population of the region: 

Administrative division Area (km ²) Population (2010 Census) density (/ km ²) 
123.98 788.445 Denpasar 6,400 
Badung 543.332 418.52 1,293.37 
Gianyar 368 470.380 1.300 
Sarbagi 910.5 1,802,157 1,979.3 
839.33 420.913 500 Tabanan 
Sarbagita 1,749.83 2,223,070 1,270.4 
Economy [edit | edit source] 
Strong influence on tourism development and improvement of structural changes in the economy of the city of Denpasar. However, the economic structure of Denpasar slightly different when compared to the economic structure of the province of Bali in general, by placing a trade, hotels and restaurants dominate the formation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Denpasar. 

Pasar Badung, Denpasar. 
Go well boost economic Denpasar is the production of craft items such as handicrafts for souvenirs, such as carvings and sculptures. But this craft industry is experiencing stress, in addition to the impact of the crisis and competition between regions, other pressure comes from competition among other Asian developing countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, India, Malaysia and China. The competing countries maximize the scale of the production by utilizing industrial technology, whereas in Denpasar craft industry is still maintaining skills (hand made) so that the constraints on the fulfillment of the production quantity. 

Tourism development and attraction of the island of Bali, has indirectly encouraged the progress of development in the city of Denpasar. In 2000, the number of foreign tourists who come to visit to reach 1,413,513 people, and put the number of tourists most of Japan was followed from Australia, Taiwan, Europe, UK, USA, Singapore and Malaysia. 

Policy Denpasar tourism development focused on environmental pariwasata culture. As a center of tourism development, Denpasar became a barometer for the advancement of tourism in Bali, this can be seen with the emergence of a variety of five-star hotels as a means to support the tourism activities. 

Sanur Beach is a coastal tourist area visited. While Puputan is an area of green open space in the city of Denpasar also functions as the lungs of the city. 

Mayor of Denpasar 
name of Period 
Drs. I.G.N. Ward 1978-1983 
Drs. I.G.P. Andayana rai 1983-1987 
Drs. A.A.N. Gede Agung 1987-1991 
Drs. I.M. Suwendha 1992-1997 
Komang Arsana, S.I.P 1997-1999 
Drs. A.A.N. Puspayoga 1999-2008 
I.B. Dharmawijaya Rai Mantra, S.E., M.Si 2008-2013 
Source: [14] 
Administratively, the city government consists of 4 districts, 43 villages with 209 villages or hamlets. Currently the government of Denpasar has developed numerous innovations in improving services to the community, [15] in the system began to reorganize the administration of residence [16] 

Denpasar City Council 2014 - 2019 
party Chair 
Coat PDI-P PDI-Struggle 18 
Coat Golkar Golkar Party 8 
Coat Democratic Party Democratic Party 6 
Coat Gerindra Gerindra 5 
Coat Hanura Hanura 4 
Coat PKS PKS 3 
Coat NasDem NasDem Party 1 
total 45 
At the legislative elections of 2014, Denpasar City Council with 45 members of the legislature of 7 political parties participating in the election. 

Health [Edit | edit source] 
Denpasar city has had good health care facilities in the province of Bali, there are 3 of them government-owned hospitals Sanglah Hospital, Hospital Wangaya and RSAD Udayana and 13 pieces of private hospitals. 

Meanwhile, in order to improve equity of health services to the people, the government of Denpasar has built 10 health centers and 26 fruit fruit health centers, community health centers with the ratio was 1.7 per 100,000 population. [17] 


Field Niti Mandala Renon, Denpasar. 
In Denpasar stand several universities including the University of Udayana, Mahasaraswati University, University Warmadewa and Indonesian Arts Institute of Denpasar. 

SD or MI formal education of public and private junior high school or junior high school or public and private public and private vocational MA public and private colleges 
Number of units 229 59 34 29 25 
Data school in Denpasar in 2010 

Junior High School 
SMP Negeri 1 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 2 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 3 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 4 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 5 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 6 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 7 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 8 Denpasar 
SMP Negeri 9 Denpasar 
Junior High School 10 Denpasar 
Junior High School 11 Denpasar 
Junior High School 12 Denpasar 
High School 
SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar 
SMAN 2 Denpasar 
SMAN 3 Denpasar 
SMAN 4 Denpasar 
SMA Negeri 5 Denpasar 
SMA 6 Denpasar 
SMAN 7 Denpasar 
SMA Negeri 8 Denpasar 
Vocational School 
SMK Negeri 1 Denpasar 
SMK Negeri 2 Denpasar 
SMK N 3 Denpasar 
SMK 4 Denpasar 
SMK Negeri 5 Denpasar 

Higher Education [edit | edit source] 
High School [edit | edit source] 
New Media Campus 
High School Foreign Language Hita Widya 
Saraswati College of Foreign Languages 
College of Design Bali 
College of Administrative Sciences Denpasar 
College of Health Sciences Bali 
Handy College of Management Science 
School of Social and Political Sciences Wira Bhakti 
STIE Triatma Mulya 
STMIK Stikom Bali 
Indonesian High School of Computer Science 
University [edit | edit source] 
Udayana University 
Bali State Polytechnic 
University Mahasaraswati 
University Warmadewa 
University Dwijendra 
Hindu University of Indonesia 
Ngurah Rai University 
University of Education 
Institute [edit | edit source] 
Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar 
Teachers' Training College PGRI Bali 
National Polytechnic Denpasar 
Health Polytechnic Denpasar 
Academy of Accounting Denpasar 
Finance and Banking Academy Denpasar 
Denpasar Tourism Academy 

The public service 
To serve the needs of clean water for the city of Denpasar, Denpasar is served by public water utilities, and until 2003 had been able to serve 64.82% of the population. Source of raw water taps Denpasar is surface water and wells in the processing using Complete Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). While pengalirannya system uses gravity and pumping systems. 

In the handling of waste, the government of Denpasar utilizing Final Disposal (TPA) in the village of Sanur Kauh, District of South Denpasar area of ​​40 ha. From the 2002 data, the amount of waste the city of Denpasar is as much as 127 750 m³, mostly domestic waste which reaches 71.14%. However, the volume of waste that has handled as many as 1,904 m³, so the amount of garbage that has not been served is 125 846 m³ or 98.5%. [11] Overcome this with the city government introduced a system of self-managed community in order to overcome the problem of accumulation of garbage in the landfill. 

Benoa harbor is the entrance to the city of Denpasar by sea and is currently managed by PT IPC III. [21] The port is located about 10 km from the city center, and has been operating since 1924. 

Land transportation in the city of Denpasar, especially for urban transportation is starting to not be effective and efficient, [22] until the year 2010 only 30% were still in operation, along with the lack of interest people to use transportation services, which estimated that only about 3% of the the total population. [23] While the growth of private vehicle ownership continues to increase to 11% per year, and is not comparable with the construction of new roads. Resulting in congestion in the city of Denpasar is unavoidable. [24] 

Moreover Denpasar Bali Mandara has Toll Road which has 4 lanes and opened to certain circles on 23 September 2013 The highway then opened to the public on October 1, 2013, connecting Benoa Harbor, Ngurah Rai Airport and Nusa Dua [25]. 12:45 miles along the road is also built with a special lane for motorcycles. 

Sports, Arts and Culture 

Museum Bali 
The main football club is a football club Perseden Denpasar Denpasar community pride, and make Ngurah Rai Stadium as the headquarters and home games venues. 

While arts and culture in the city of Denpasar broadly synonymous with art and culture generally, although here there has been a mix of interaction with other cultures along with the arrival of tourists from all walks of life. However, the value of which is inspired by the traditional rituals of Hindu religion is still strongly influenced the city. [26] 

Role of Indigenous Bali is still rooted in the community Denpasar, Bali Indigenous may include, values​​, norms and behavior in society generally on patrilineal kinship system. But over a few times with customary law began to be contradicted by the community, especially in issues of gender and inheritance. [27] 

Tourism object 
Denpasar has several attractions that have an element of history and recreation include: 

Bali Museum - this place is the first place of the royal family dwelling 
Renon Square - the center of family activity and there are also Bajra Sandhi Monument is monument of Balinese struggle 
Park bellows - the performing arts 
market Kreneng 
Simpang Dewa Ruci or Simpang Siur - there Mal Simpang Siur or Discovery Mall 
Puri Santrian 
Sanur Beach 
Mangrove forest ecotourism 
Cultural Park 
Cultural village Kertalangu 
Satria Bird Market 
Sindu beach 
Pura Agung Jagatnatha 
Pura Sakenan 
Kuta - famous tourist area of Kuta Beach 
Garuda Wisnu Kencana 
Nusa Dua - the location of the hotels and tourist areas in which there is Tanjung Benoa 
culinary tour 
Denpasar is also famous for its culinary tourism. Some places are very well known to local and foreign tourists are: 

Chicken Rice Kedewatan - Road Tukad Badung, Denpasar 
Rice Fish Mak Beng - near Hotel Radisson 
Rice Mix - Segara Beach, Sanur 
Babi Guling Chandra - Jalan Teuku Umar (non-kosher) 
Warung Ward - Jalan Merdeka, Denpasar 
Fried Duck HT - Jalan Merdeka, Denpasar 
Sate plecing - Road Yudhishthira, Denpasar (non-kosher) 
Super Crab Depot - Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai 
Favors Resto Bali - Kuta deket Highway Alfa 
Warung Batan Waru - next to Discovery Mall 
Made's Warung - Kuta 
Grilled Fish - Jimbaran 
Nyoman Cafe - Jimbaran 
Menega Cafe - Four Seasons Jimbaran 
Some souvenirs including the famous Bali bali lunkhead, brem, nuts rahayu, milk pie, peanut disco, bali salak, peas, chicken claw crackers, and coffee pia Legong Bali. Some of the special place that sells souvenirs include: 

Krishna stores 
Shop Erland 
market Kumbasari 
Press and Media 
Denpasar Government has a radio station broadcasting, named RKPD (Radio Denpasar Government) established in 2002, at a frequency of 91.45 FM. Radio is addressed to the traffic information services in order to create security and comfort for road users in the city of Denpasar. [28] 

Bali TV is a private TV station in Denpasar, and is still a group effort by the Bali Post, Denpasar Post, and Global Radio. Some newspapers are making as a center of Denpasar publication including News Radar Bali and Bali. While some radio stations broadcasting in the city include Gema Merdeka Radio, Assorted Radio Rama and so on. 

Twin Cities 
Flag Indonesia Palembang, South Sumatra 
Mexican Flag-Flag Veracruz (state) Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico 
Flag-Flag Spain Canary Islands Gran Canaria, Spain 
Flag of Thailand Phuket City, Thailand 
Flag of the People's Republic of China Haikou, PRC [29]